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The second council of China Bearing Distribution Committee was held in Taiyuan

Number of visits:279 Date:2023-04-19

According to the "Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Education on the recommendation/nomination of the 2019 Annual Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (Science and Technology)", the basics of the 2019 Annual Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Award (Science and Technology) Project declared by our unit The situation is publicized on the Internet and the publicity time is from May 20 to May 24, 2019.

The 3rd Third Council of the China National Mechanical and Electrical Products Circulation Association Bearing Circulation Committee was held at the Jinci Hotel in Taiyuan on April 26, 2016. The relevant matters of this meeting are as follows:

1. The person in charge or representative of the five rotating presidents will attend the meeting. The Secretary-General attended the meeting and assisted the President on Duty to chair the meeting. A total of 19 people attended the meeting.

2. The agenda of the meeting was released publicly before the meeting.

3. Discussion of the agenda of the meeting: All agree.

4. The meeting passed the report of the 2015 annual report of the president of Ruo Ruopeng.

5. The meeting approved the financial report of Secretary General Zhuang Deyuan on 2015.

6. The three units, including Xi'an Yulian and Wuxi Snowburn, were elected as governing units and will take effect on the same day.

The meeting passed the discussion and formed a system at the same time: the governing units of the future elections must be elected among the member units, and the president units must be elected in the governing units.

The meeting reviewed the issues discussed in the second session of the Shenyang Conference on “the two-year non-payment of membership fees, the president unit” as an automatic withdrawal, and the “non-payment of contributions for the two years of 2015 and 2014”. The decision to automatically withdraw from the Board of Directors takes effect immediately.

7. Some representatives of the meeting proposed a proposal to appropriately increase the standard of contributions. The meeting noted its rationality; however, it did not submit a vote at the meeting.

8. The meeting adopted the proposal of the Secretariat to give a thank-you letter to Xi'an for supporting the work of the Association in 2015. We have decided to give a thank you to Liu Zongyong, a person who has demonstrated outstanding performance in the association system in 2015.

9. The meeting passed the decision of the 2015 Duty President, Ruo Ruopeng, to hand over the work to President Shi Wei. Since then, in 2016, Shi Wei served as the current president. President Shi Wei and the meeting fully affirmed and thanked President Ruan Ruopeng for his contribution to this Council in 2015, and look forward to continuing to receive the support and help of President Zhu in the future work! In his speech, President Shi made specific comments on the work of 2016. The opinions of the president of the history will be published in the form of a work plan arrangement.

10. The meeting also discussed topics such as expanding the membership of the association, charging for activities, and sources of innovative income. No discussion was reached and the study was submitted to the Secretariat.

11. The Association supports the integrity management activities of member companies under the legal framework. If the association needs specific assistance, it can communicate with the association bilaterally.

12. In 2016, the Bearing Special Committee will carry out further exchanges and cooperation with the machine tool branch, the motor branch, the engineering machinery branch, the grease branch (funding), the auto parts branch, etc., to create more resources for the member companies of the association. Business.

13. Yin Luzhang, President of China Mechanical and Electrical Products Circulation Association, attended the meeting and listened to the report of the meeting, fully affirmed the work of the Bearing Special Committee in 2015, and prospectively analyzed the major situation facing the 2016 meeting and put forward the work requirements for 2016. Special emphasis is placed on the special committee to do practical things for member companies, and at the same time, all special committees and chapters are required to strengthen communication and cooperation to give play to their respective advantages.

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